Error Multiplier
This optimizer just multiply the error of the layer by a value to increase the learning of this layer. It is mainly a test optimizer, avoid using it.
This is the function used to declare a Error Multiplier optimizer.
OptimizerModel ErrorMultiplier(float factor);
- factor: The factor by which the error will be multiplied.
Here is an example of ErrorMultiplier.
StraightforwardNeuralNetwork neuralNetwork({
Input(32, 32, 3),
Convolution(2, 3, activation::GELU, ErrorMultiplier(50.0f)),
FullyConnected(100, activation::sigmoid, Dropout(0.2f)),
FullyConnected(200, activation::sigmoid, Dropout(0.2f)),
StochasticGradientDescent(0.003f, 0.2f));