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Multiple classification


Multiple classification is very similar to the simple classification. The only difference is that an single data can have several classes. For example if you have 5 classes and the input corresponds to class 1 and 3 the expected output vector must be:

vector<float> expectedOutput = {1, 0, 1, 0, 0};

Unlike simple classification when calculating accuracy of a neural network all classes must be correct for the item to be considered well classified.


     std::vector<std::vector<float>>& trainingInputs,
     std::vector<std::vector<float>>& trainingLabels,
     std::vector<std::vector<float>>& testingInputs,
     std::vector<std::vector<float>>& testingLabels,
     nature typeOfTemporal = nature::nonTemporal,
     int numberOfRecurrences = 0);


  • trainingInputs: 2D vector of all the data inputs use to train the neural network. Each vector<float> represents an input for the neural network.
  • trainingLabels: 2D vector of all the expected outputs use to train the neural network. Each vector<float> represents the expected output by the neural network for the corresponding input.
  • testingInputs: 2D vector of all the data inputs use to evaluate the neural network. Each vector<float> represents an input for the neural network.
  • testingLabels: 2D vector of all the expected outputs use to evaluate the neural network. Each vector<float> represents the expected output by the neural network for the corresponding input.
  • typeOfTemporal: An enum corresponding to the temporal nature of problem associated with the data. There are 3 types of temporal nature nonTemporal, sequential and timeSeries.
  • numberOfRecurrences: Size of sequence used for train neural network. Only used for timeSeries otherwise leave the value at 0.