Fully Connected layer
This layer is the most common and simple layer, almost all neural network have once or more. The fully connected layer is a layer with simple neuron where all neurons is connected to all input.
This is the function used to declare a fully connected layer.
template <class ... TOptimizer>
LayerModel FullyConnected(int numberOfNeurons, activation activation = activation::sigmoid, TOptimizer ... optimizers);
- numberOfNeurons: The number of neurons in the layer.
- activation: The activation function of the neurons of the layer. See list of activation function
Here is an example of neural networks with 3 fully connected layer.
StraightforwardNeuralNetwork neuralNetwork({
Input(28, 28, 1),
FullyConnected(150, activation::ReLu),
FullyConnected(70, activation::tanh),
See an example of GRU layer on dataset