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Instalation (with CMake 3.17.1) 🏭

Linux, UNIX - GCC 10.1

  • To compile open a command prompt and run cmake -G"Unix Makefiles" ./.. && make from the build folder.

  • To run the unit tests execute ./tests/unit_tests/UnitTests from build folder.

  • To run the dataset tests run ./tests/dataset_tests/ and execute ./tests/dataset_tests/DatasetTests from build folder.

Windows - MSVC++ 14.2

  • You can generate a Visual Studio project by running cmake -G"Visual Studio 16 2019" ./.. from build folder.

  • To run the unit tests open ./tests/unit_tests/UnitTests.vcxproj in Visual Studio.

  • To run the dataset tests run ./tests/dataset_tests/ and open ./tests/dataset_tests/DatasetTests.vcxproj in Visual Studio.

After installation